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Reaching Out

Committed to serving our community

A key aspect of our mission as a church family is to reflect the life of Jesus Christ in our service toward others, especially those in our local community. At Olivet, you will find regular opportunities to live and give on mission for the Gospel of our Lord.

December Missions

Donations for Western NC

This month, we will be collecting new, unwrapped toys for children of all ages that will be given to families affected by the recent hurricane in Western North Carolina.

Please place all donations in the fellowship hall.



The Olivet family supports many local partners through ongoing financial gifts, donations and monthly collections. 
  • Crisis Control

  • The Dwelling

  • Forsyth Jail and Prison

  • Special Children's School

  • Moravian Music Foundation

  • Moravian Board of World Missions

  • Boy Scouts

  • Girl Scouts

  • Cub Scouts

  • Sunnyside Ministry

  • Trellis Supportive Care

  • Samaritan Ministries

  • Laurel Ridge Moravian Camp + Conference Center


Blessings Box

Donate at anytime to help keep our Blessings Box stocked up for those in need! Suggested items are: canned tuna or chicken, vienna sausages, pork and beans, canned pasta, canned vegetables, small boxes of cereal, individual bags of snacks, individual packs of crackers, pop tarts, granola bars, etc.

Not recommended: anything that will melt  or contains chocolate, items in glass jars, dried beans, rice, macaroni and cheese


Get Involved

God has gifted us each in unique ways. Lean into yours and find a place to serve in one of our ongoing ministry opportunities such as choir, band, handbells, nursery, children's church, usher, diener, men's fellowship, greeter, or congregational care.

Get Connected!

Please take a moment to fill out the form below so that we can best help you get connected to our church family.

Thanks! Someone will be in touch.

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