We Grow Together
There's a place for you here
From our youngest children to our oldest members, we are committed to Christian education and sharing God's love with all people. Everyone has a next step, and there are many opportunities to grow and get involved at Olivet Moravian.
Baptism is the sacrament of Christian initiation. Through baptism, believers and their children are embodied in the covenant of grace and become a part of the fellowship of the church. If interested in being baptized or baptizing your children, let us know!

Covenant membership is an important piece of belonging to a local church family. To join Olivet as a member, individuals spend time one-on-one with our Pastor to cover the beliefs of the church and requirements for church membership. If interested in membership, reach out!

Sunday School
Each Sunday at 9am, many in our church family gather for Sunday School prior to morning worship. During this time, classes dig into God's Word and discuss it with one another as it applies to their everyday lives.

Adult Bible Study
Pastor-lead Bible study periodically on Wednesday evenings throughout the year. We study different books of the Bible as well as topical studies.
Men's Fellowship
All men of the church and community are welcome to our Men's Fellowship. The men meet for breakfast on the third Sunday of the month, sponsor a biannual golf tournament, prepare and serve meals at homeless shelters, help people in need in the community and carry out service projects at the church.
Children's Fellowship
Each Sunday morning, our children join us for worship, then have a short message before heading off to their classes for the remainder of the service. We also provide a children's Sunday School class at 9am each weekend.
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir sings almost every Sunday, helping to lead congregational singing. The choir sings a variety of music, including classical, gospel, and contemporary. The choir also helps to lead congregational singing.
The Olivet Band plays almost every Sunday morning along with Christmas, Easter, funerals and other times as requested.
Congregational Care
The Care Team oversees providing food for members who are sick and have come home from the hospital, remembering our shut-ins and college students for special occasions and sending sympathy, get well, and thinking of you cards.
Evangelism Committee
Our mission is to grow the kingdom of God and Olivet Moravian Church by reaching out to the community with the Good News of Jesus Christ. We provide visitors with a welcome bag with information about our church. We advertise through Facebook, Instagram, and our website. All are welcome to our services, activities, and ministry opportunities.
Missions Committee
Monthly mission projects are selected and a member of the committee contacts the selected organization to set up a time for our church to help. Projects include volunteering to help at the site and/or collecting needed items for the organization.
Christian Education Committee
The Christian Education Committee oversees ongoing educational programs of the church which include Sunday School, Youth Fellowship, Vacation Bible School and other activities.
Stewardship Committee
The Stewardship Committee actively promotes collective and individual stewardship of God's resources by encouraging the use of everyone's time, talents, and treasure.